Our AWS Data Centre is live in Sydney!!

The need for increasingly secure data management has long been at odds with demand for greater accessibility and a higher level of service for all forms of web and app services which are utilised by Australian and international organisations – both public and private. With the establishment of the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Cloud Assessment and Authorisation Framework (CAAF) and the Hosting Certification Framework (HCF) there are now direct guidelines around how to protect highly sensitive governmental data when accessed and updated by service organisations. For many this has brought about the use of a new lexicon, including ‘Data Residency’ and ‘Data Sovereignty’, and for the BEHCA team we have been hard at work expanding our partnerships with service providers and enriching the processes within our own apps in order to provide a safe, secure and just as accessible service to the providers we serve.

It was out of this drive towards greater data security for the ANZ region that we here on the BEHCA team are excited to announce our expanded partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the creation of an ecosystem for all of our ANZ subscribers to use – which utilises an encrypted AWS cloud server that is physically based in the AWS datacentre in Sydney, Australia.  What’s more, BEHCA app users in the Australia and New Zealand region will automatically have their encrypted data stored in this datacentre, across all of our access points – be it through the Web version of our BEHCA support tool, as well as on the mobile iOS and Android apps. Data integrity is nothing new from the BEHCA team, and these updates simply expand our already rigorously HIPAA compliant and encrypted data structure that has served our customers well for more than 6 years.

The culmination of this work will allow all of the support providers we serve to have the utmost confidence in working with local council and greater governmental authorities and their data while utilising the BEHCA app. There is a trove of information on how Amazon AWS complies with the numerous framework and data protection requirements that have become established – you can dive deep into how they did it here: https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/australia-data-privacy/

We look forward to the greater access teams across the ANZ region will have to assessing the effectiveness of behaviour supports for individuals in their care and making sense out of what is being communicated through behaviour. As always – we are here to help! If you have any questions or ideas on how BEHCA may be a useful tool to support individuals in your care please let us know!